Strategy services

The strategy of Digital Transformation in an organization should focus on effective change management internally.
The Human Resources department plays an essential and proactive role, proposing and executing initiatives that generate the appropriate organizational and digital changes to achieve the objectives of the company's digital transformation plan.
The professionals here at Eagle Techco carry out a series of activities to achieve this service, which are outlined below.

Strategic plan for digital transformation 

The methodology phases will include DIAGNOSIS, STRATEGY, and a TECHNICAL OFFICE.
For the decision-making process, we must identify and analyze challenges and issues, define a strategic plan for organizational and technological transformation, outline a roadmap and potential solutions to implement, and implement the solutions while monitoring projects and the Strategic Plan.
The analysis dimension will have a strategic focus, transforming the OPERATIONS, BUSINESS, and SERVICES and PRODUCTS of organizations.

Transformation financing through grants and subsidies from organizations  

Analysis and Planning Service for project financing.
  • We design organizational and territorial strategies tailored to the conditions and opportunities of PRTR funds, regional PO, initiatives, European and national programs.
  • We advise our clients on how to leverage public and private funds, including those from the "NEXT GENERATION" Recovery Funds and the new community framework, to address their pending projects.

Program and project service 

We devise and design projects that align with identified funding opportunities, seeking the greatest possible impact on client needs.

If you have any questions about our services or consultancy, please fill out the following form, and we will contact you shortly. You can also call us or even come visit us – We look forward to seeing you soon!